Monday, October 22, 2012

Scholarship of Helen:

Helen of Troy: Beauty is War

Why must I be so beautiful?  My beauty has caused this war.  If I did not have this curse, Paris would not have noticed me and taken me to Troy.  I regret running away with Paris every day.  I was distracted and deceived by his beauty.  I have caused so many lives to be lost.  I am so disgusted with myself and take responsibility for the destruction of both the Greeks and the Trojans.  I am a hateful creature and wish I would have died when Paris brought me here so I could have saved many other lives.

“Helen was famous in the whole world for her beauty; and beauty being a precious thing, many contended in order to possess her. Therefore, she was also hated by many others on account of the woes her beauty caused. For the Trojan War, some believe, was caused by her, and since many died in that huge conflict, she was surnamed "Lady of Sorrows" (Parada).”  

Helen is originally from Sparta but is taken to Troy.

Reflection One (Books 1-4) 9/11/12

 I am so glad that I have befriended Laodike.  She has told me that the fighting has ceased!  But, she also told me that Paris has proposed that he and Menelaus will fight till death for me!  The survivor will be my true husband and the fighting will be over.  This news has brought up many emotions in me.  As Laodike leaves, I am longing for my homeland, husband, and my family.  I cannot believe that I once was the queen of Sparta and now a figure of war. 
As I walk in my shimmering garments across the tower, I feel like a hated goddess.  Priam calls out to me and asks me to sit beside him.  He tells me that the gods are to blame for this war, not me.  We look and talk about my people and Menelaus.  He also talks about how tremendous Agamemnon appears.  I thought this to be odd, that Priam was so interested in him.  I try to turn attention unto Priam by telling him that he how tremendous he is.  I also confide with him my feelings of regret.  Priam listens to my troubles but then becomes curious about Odysseus and Ajax.  As I look at all of these familiar faces and talk about them, I notice that I do not see my brothers, Castor and Polydeuces.  I feel saddened and believe that they have refused to fight for such a disgraceful sister.
I am caught up in my thoughts when I realize what is going on.  The rules are being told by a familiar voice, my husband Menelaus.  He is praying to the gods, especially Zeus, and making sacrifices to them.   Soon after I saw both men I care about getting suited up for death.  I could not bear to watch them battle so I retreated to the high tower.  I could hear loud noises coming from the crowd, which scared me.  Luckily the Trojan women were there to calm me down. 
While in the high tower, a strange woman came to me.  She told me that Paris had called for me to come home to him.  She also said that he looked as if he had been dancing and not fighting.  As I gazed on this strange beautiful woman, she looked familiar.  She is the goddess Aphrodite!  I was very upset with her and told her to take Paris as her own.  I raised my voice and told her I was not going to be shameful and sleep in his bed.  Then Aphrodite raised her voice as well and told me how much she loves me, but is also disappointed with me.  I was frightened by her power and obediently followed her to Paris’ bedroom.   
Once I saw his face, I became angered!  I told him that I wish he would have died by my strong husband.  Paris once boasted about his strength, but in reality he is a coward!  He should fight Menelaus again to see who the real victor is.  After my speech, Paris persuaded me to lie with him.  He will be the destruction of me. 

Quotes from Books 1-4 Who is Helen?:

-“Blossoming wife”—Pg. 118, Line 53
-“Helen of the white arms…”—Pg. 120, Line 121
-“Lovely-haired Helen…”—Pg. 126, Line 329
-“Helen, the daughter descended of Zeus…”—Pg 122, Line 199
-“Helen with the light robes and shining among women…”—Pg. 123, Line 227
- “Now though, if you wish me to fight it out and do battle, make the rest of the Trojans sit down, and all the Achaians, and set me in the middle with Menelaus the warlike to fight together for the sake of Helen and all of her possessions.  That one of us who wins and is proved stronger, let him take the possessions fairly and the woman, and lead her homeward.”—Pg. 119, Line 67
-“Surely there is no blame on Trojans and strong-grieved Achaians if for long time they suffer hardship for a woman like this one.  Terrible is the likeness of her face to immortal goddesses.  Still though she be such, let her go away in the ships, lest she be left behind, a grief to us and our children.”—Pg. 121, Line 156

Reflection Two (Books 5-7) 9/13/12

Today I was overseeing my handmaidens, who were creating beautiful armor for Paris in our glorious home.  In the middle of my work we were visited by Hector.  He arrived holding an enormous spear, which was beautifully crafted.  When he saw Paris, he became infuriated!  He exclaimed that Paris should not be hiding peacefully while his comrades are sacrificing their lives for him.  He said that if Paris would not help, Troy may be burned and destroyed!  Paris responded by telling Hector that he was right.  However, he explained that the reason why he was in his room was not to hurt the Trojans, but to give himself to his sorrow.  He admitted that I had also persuaded him to join the fight!  I was so happy when he had said this!  I had been talking to him for a long time about owning up to his actions.  However, I also have to remember that his life could be taken.  I then spoke to Hector and explained my longing to have never been born so all of these bad events would never take place.  But the gods are in control of everything that has happened and that is happening.  I wish that I had a better man than Paris who is a coward.  He will suffer for what he has done.  After my speech, I asked Hector to rest with me.  I told him that it is his heart that the hard work has fallen upon instead of Paris or me.  Zeus has created a terrible destiny so that our devastating story might be sung and remembered in the future.  Hector then said that he knows that I love him, but he cannot rest for he is defending the Trojans.  Before he left to see his family one last time, he told me to prepare Paris so he could take over for him.  As I help Paris put on his armor, my heart is saddened that Hector has accepted that this will be the last time that he will see his family.       

Reflection Three (Books 8-9) 9/18/12

One of the messengers from the Trojan army came into the city square today.  He gave encouraging news for the Trojans, but not as much encouragement for my homeland.  The Trojans have gained a great lead in battle.  They have sent despair unto the Achaean army.  Nestor was almost killed by Hector, but luckily Diomedes saved him!  Nestor has given wonderful speeches and has helped the Greeks so much that it would be unfortunate if he had passed away.  Suddenly the Achaeans gained a little bit of power, which I believe was a gift from the gods.  Apparently the Greeks sudden power did not take the Trojans confidence.  Tonight I see hundreds of campfires illuminating the Trojan army outside of our protected city.  I heard that the Achaeans are fated to win the war, but if Achilles does not help them out soon, they will surely loose.

Reflection Four (Books 10-12) 9/20/12

Many days have passed since I last heard details of what has been going on in the battlefield.  Since I am the one who has brought this devastation to so many people, I want to know how each side is doing.  I was becoming very curious if the Achaeans were pulling ahead.  Last night I was thinking of different ways to obtain this information, since no one seemed to know what was happening.  Later on that night I decided to sneak out of my room and search for someone who would know.  I put on the most common looking clothing I could find so I would blend in.  Like a snake I quietly slithered around the city.  I came upon my prey; a young attractive soldier who had fallen asleep next to a shed.  I nudged him and he quickly pulled out his sword.  I jumped back and pleaded that I only wanted to talk with him.  He let out a deep breath as he stared in awe at me.  I started some small talk with him and acted seductively.  I easily convinced him to tell me in detail what had been going on the last few days.       
One of the Trojan soldiers, Dolon, has been slain by Diomedes and Odysseus.  Then the two powerful Achaeans then killed many Trojans including king Rhesus.  The two were seen driving Rhesus’ chariot back to their camp.  The man went on to say that he had heard that Hector had been wounded by Diomedes.  Also that Paris, whom I thought was a coward, actually fought well and wounded Diomedes himself!  I am amazed by his new courage he has found, but he also has weakened one of the Achaean army’s main fighters.  
Even though Paris has brought honor to the Trojans, the other facts have brought discouraging information.  I now know why the Trojans did not want to give out this embarrassing information.  I am so glad that I found this man so I could really be aware of what was going on the battlefield.  I was amazed how many details he had told me because of my seductiveness.  I guess there are positive things that can come from my beauty.