Monday, October 22, 2012

Reflection Eight (Books 22-24) 10/04/12

Tears fall as I write this journal entry.  Before I can explain my tears, I must tell the story of how they came to be.  Hector was the only man left outside of the safety of Troy’s walls as the last of the Trojans fled inside.  He must have been ashamed for he had made his entire army sleep outside of the walls the night before and his army suffered for his decision.  He is a man who takes responsibility for his actions.  Hector then encounters Achilles and tries to negotiate with him but Achilles is full of rage and does not want peace.  Hector is chased around the city four times before being deceived by the gods.  He is speared in the throat by Achilles and falls to the ground.  The horrible Achilles leaves his body to be eaten by dogs.  He even shows more disrespect by dragging Hectors lifeless body in the dirt!  I became furious when Adromache told me of this. 
                Twelve days after Hectors death, Priam is told by Iris to retrieve his son’s corpse with a ransom.  Hecuba told me she was afraid that the horrible Achilles would kill Priam, but she saw an eagle and was pleased by this good omen.  Priam convinces Achilles and comes back safe with Hectors body!  When I see Hector’s body I am filled with immense grief and mourn!  I seem to lead the song of sorrow among the grieving.  Of all of the men here in Troy, Hector has been the dearest to me throughout these twelve years.  Throughout this long time, I have never heard a harsh saying or insult from him to anyone.  Many people said hurtful things to me because of what I have done, but Hector has only spoken kind words.  He would even tell the hateful ones to not say such harsh things with his gentle words.  I not only mourn for the kind Hector, but for my ill luck.  Sadly, there is no one as noble, honorable, respectful, and compassionate as Hector.  As I watch the flames from his once noble body rise toward the sky, I mourn deeply in sorrow.           

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